Email Marketing

My Newest Project. Fancy a Pivot?

Graphic image of a newsletter

“Change is the only constant”… I wonder if the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus knew about Google when he wrote those words. These days, a lot of site owners are left holding the bag after Google took away their primary traffic source. Here is a sneak peek behind the curtain at my two newest projects. Hint: … Read more

How to Embed Convertkit Form Into Squarespace

Woman typing on a laptop

If you use ConvertKit and Squarespace, you may wonder whether you can integrate them. In this post, I’ll provide instructions on successfully embedding a ConvertKit form into Squarespace. Doing so can help you grow your email list and improve your marketing.  How to Embed a ConvertKit Form Into Squarespace You can use this step-by-step guide … Read more

How to Delete Tags in ConvertKit

A Google Chrome window with many tabs opened showing the fifth tab with the ConvertKit edit tag option

Deleting tags in ConvertKit is an easy process. If you want the quick version, all you need to do is this: After you log in to your account, go to the Subscribers tab and click “Tags.” Choose the tag you want to delete and click “Edit.” When the tag editing tab shows up, click “Delete,” … Read more

Email List Segmentation: Case Study with 60% Increase

Data analytics reflecting the increase of subscribers, visitors and conversation rate after a month of implementing new email strategies

Alright, today we’re talking about email marketing. I’m going to show you a case study where we increased our email subscribers with a couple of simple changes.  Email marketing is a great strategy for your website. You are future-proofing against Algo Updates and AI, while also adding another potential revenue stream.  Let’s get into it.  ➡️ … Read more

How to Center a ConvertKit Form in WordPress

A page showing the Custom CSS of the design tab in WordPress

One key to a successful email marketing campaign is in the visual details. While you don’t need much graphic design or coding knowledge, you still need certain skills to produce an attractive form.  If you’re using ConvertKit for your email marketing, knowing how to center a ConvertKit form in WordPress is important to know how … Read more

MailerLite vs ConvertKit: Exactly Which Email Provider to Pick

Person typing on their silver laptop at a table in their office

Selecting the right email marketing platform is crucial when you want to begin building an email list. MailerLite and ConvertKit are two popular email platforms for niche website owners, so I’m reviewing both to help you make an informed decision if you’re between the two. Whether you’re a beginner looking for affordability and basic features … Read more

beehiiv vs MailerLite: Exactly Which Email Provider to Pick

Man doing work on his silver Apple laptop at a table with a coworker

With so many email marketing platforms available, it can be extremely overwhelming to figure out which to go with. We’ve tested several in the 10+ years we’ve been doing email marketing, and we’ve found some that work great for the website-building community.  Specifically, two of those notable platforms are beehiiv and MailerLite.  We’ll dive into … Read more