🚀 Skyrocket traffic with 3 minutes of work with this quick process I use. All you need is Google Search Console. You can use ChatGPT to speed up the process too!
BONUS: Updating Titles for Better CTR is one of 9 recommendations I make in my video on 9 Quick Ways to Update Your Website Content Fast!! Watch all 9 recs 🙂
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How to Improve Organic Traffic with Google Search Console and ChatGPT
Step 1: Open Up GSC / Search Results
Step 2: Turn on Clicks, CTR & Avg Position
Step 3: Find High-Ranking Articles With Low CTR
I typically download the data to a Google Sheet – it’s a lot easier to work with.
If you’re wondering (for analysis), here is the average CTR by position:
- 39.8%*
- 18.7%**
- 10.2%
- 7.4%
- 5.1%
- 4.5%
- 3.4%
- 2.6%
- 2.4%
- 2.2%
Thanks to Google Click-Through Rates (CTRs) by Ranking Position in 2023
So, here is an example of an article that is performing well, and I would NOT update. Its averaging Position #6 (a little below), which should get roughly a 4.5% CTR. However, as you can see, it’s getting 9.1%, which is double the average! Leave that one alone!
But, looking a little further, here is an article that averages Position #1, and is receiving less than 20% CTR. With the average CTR for position #1 being 39.8%, this is a prime candidate to update the Title for higher CTR.
A caveat: always look at the SERPs before making a final judgment. GSC average position isn’t always indicative of where the result actually is on the page. Look at the results, compare the data, and then use your best judgment.
Step 4: Put the Current Title Into CHATGPT, Ask For 10 Alternatives That Encourage Click
Now, you could skip this stuff and come up with it on your own. But why not use ChatGPT? Here is a hypothetical example, pulled from a very similar query to my screenshot above.
I honestly don’t love any of them. So, I told ChatGPT what I thought, and refined my request (you should be doing this too!)
Better. I might go back and forth a bit more, but you get the picture.
And, ALL Of these are more interesting than my original title in the example!
Step 5: Pick One; Measure Results After 1-2 Weeks
- Testing is the most important part.
- Sometimes nothing changes.
- Sometimes you double traffic.
- Test, rinse, repeat
Bonus: A More Advanced Version
Now – pages are a collection of various keywords, which all rank in different positions.
So, a more precise way to do this:
➡️ take targeted keyword for URL
➡️ find CTR & Avg Position for that keyword, compare it to averages
➡️ if lower than average, test new titles
I hope this helps you! I have a related article that shows you how to find new keyword opportunities in GSC.