Newsletter Sponsorship

Get your brand in front of content creators, SEO’s, bloggers, affiliate marketers, and small business owners!

Newsletter Stats

The newsletter is growing quickly. These stats are as of May 15, 2024. We will try to update this page frequently.

  • Subscribers: 7,269
  • Average Open Rate: 43% – 51%
  • Click to Open Rate: Varys depending on offer

Sponsorship Details

  • The Weekend Growth newsletter goes out every Tuesday or Wednesday (1x per week).
  • Ad placements allowed: Anything related to building or running niche websites e.g. services, tools, software, products, events and newsletters.
  • Your ad may include:
    • One image/graphic
    • 100 words of text
    • Two links
  • The cost per placement is $400 USD per email.

You can view some previous emails here.


Contact us here and let us know:

  • How many emails you want to sponsor
  • Which week(s) you prefer

Here’s what others are saying about the newsletter…